Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Summer weather

Did you know that I love the summer weather? Well it’s true. I do love the summer weather for several reasons. First of all I like the summer weather for the sun. I like when the sun feeds the young plants and helps them grow. I also love the sun when it’s warm in the sizzling heat and when the sun dries you from the cold water.
I enjoy the cool water too. When you get hot you can cool off in the water. Like there was this time when I was so hot my feet were burnd so I climd in the pool as fast as I could. Also if you need something to drink. Drink water because its good for you. Just like my mom always yelled when I wanted soda she said I needed water and now I know how important water is.
Now you know why I think the summer weather is so great because the sun and the water!

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