Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Marriage

It was a terrific day in 1880 in the large town called Chinaville. Jacque and Chad were planning to get married and had to get the stuff for the wedding. Later on at the China store, Chad and Jacque were beginning to plan the wedding. Jacque asked Chad, “What do you want eat at the wedding.” Chad answered “Cake.” “Ok let’s buy a cheesecake with vanilla frosting,” said Jacque.

After buying the cake they went to the car. Chad tripped on a large rock, fell on the pavement, and bumped into Jacque .Jacque dropped the cake and it flew into the air. Chad started to cry. Jacque began to cry lying on the pavement with Chad, and the cake was ruined.

It was silent, peaceful and quiet. “The wedding is ruined,” cried Jacque. They got off the pavement. Chad went back in the store and bought a ring that cost $1,000. Chad stepped out of the store, tripped and the ring flew up in the air .The sun came out, the ring flew with beautiful sparkling light and landed in the Chinaville sewer hole. Jacque started to cry. They got into the car muddy and gushy.

Finally they arrived at the wedding. They got out of the car and walked up where the people were. Everyone laughed at them with a smile because they were muddy. Chad and Jacque were mad at the people. During the ceremony the pastor said they were already married. It was silent, peaceful and quiet. They were married and kissed anyway.

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