Friday, April 3, 2009

Letter Home


Dear Mom and Dad,

Can you believe we are all rock stars. It's true check out our blog. We have done other things this week besides becoming rocks stars read on to find out what they are.

First, this week was interesting because many of our classmates were sick. It was so hard because many of us had to be all by ourselves at our tables. People were coughing and having high temperatures. It was a disaster!

Next, we made a music video. The music video was about continents. You can look at it on the blog.

Finally, we almost started another photo point. But right before we went out to do it someone pulled the fire alarm and we had to go outside. The firetruck came and now someone is in big trouble.

In conclusion we had a very strange week because so many kids were gone but we still learned some interesting stuff.


Your Spring Break Kid


WASL starts the week after spring break. Review is available on the OSPI web site.

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