Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Flower Power and Beyond


Students have been preparing for conferences, and learning about plants.
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Bull Nose Hornet Nest


This huge nest was found around Locust st. It may have held up to 2,000 hornets.
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Friday, April 24, 2009

Parent Letter

This week we have been working hard learning about many different subjects. One of the things we have been learning about is plants. We have learned what is in a plant cell like chloroplasts, cell wall, and nucleus. Each of us made a slide with onion peels and looked at the cells. The cells looked really cool! They looked like squares. We also learned that plants can make their own food by doing photosynthesis. Now our class is making plant posters. Each of us in our group has a part we are working on. The parts are plant cells, diagram of a plant, lifecycle, and photosynthesis. Another subject we have been working on is poetry. We went out to the football field and took pictures of things we wanted to write about. The next day we wrote prose, sentences, telling about our picture. Then yesterday we started writing our poem. Now we are finishing the poem and publishing it. Finally we have started to plan for our conferences. Most of us are ready to talk about math and reading. Next week we will finish and be ready to talk with you about what we have been doing all year. This is what we have been doing this week.

Thanks for reading,


Your Biologist


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Parent Letter

April 17, 2009

Dear Parents,

Today we are very tired of the WASL. Our class took four tests. We had two tests in reading and two tests in math. Math was easier than reading. We think we did better in math than reading because reading had pages and pages and pages of reading. Math didn’t take as long. We spent at least two hours a day taking the different tests.

Our class also continued to learn about rocks. We learned about mineral called calcite. Calcite is really cool. If you put it into vinegar it bubbles and chips off. We are going to be finished studying rocks and now we are going to start to learn about plants.

One other thing. Our class almost had everyone bring back their homework. Our goal is to have everyone return their homework each day. Please help us make sure our homework is being completed.

Now you know what we did this week. Yeah, WASL is over!!!!!!


Your WASL Tester

PS Make sure you return the field trip forms ASAP. Thanks

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Listening with Understanding and Empathy

Garden Photo Point


Students have established new photopoints along the school water wise garden to observe how the plants change over time.
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Mineral Hardness Testing

Friday, April 3, 2009

Letter Home


Dear Mom and Dad,

Can you believe we are all rock stars. It's true check out our blog. We have done other things this week besides becoming rocks stars read on to find out what they are.

First, this week was interesting because many of our classmates were sick. It was so hard because many of us had to be all by ourselves at our tables. People were coughing and having high temperatures. It was a disaster!

Next, we made a music video. The music video was about continents. You can look at it on the blog.

Finally, we almost started another photo point. But right before we went out to do it someone pulled the fire alarm and we had to go outside. The firetruck came and now someone is in big trouble.

In conclusion we had a very strange week because so many kids were gone but we still learned some interesting stuff.


Your Spring Break Kid


WASL starts the week after spring break. Review is available on the OSPI web site.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Photo Point Pile of Snow

what am I?

With long antennas

Chew wood with my mandibles

Black and white on me

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Winter Weather

I am going to tell you about my favorite weather.I think that winter weather is the best out of the four seasons. Winter is a wonderful time of the year because there is snow.Once I was getting ready to go out into the snow and I went to my cousins. My cousins and I got on their trampoline. I got snow off of the trampoline, made a ball, swung my arm and I threw snow at my cousins. It was cold if you got hit with the snow ball. The second reason winter weather is my favorite, is because you can smell the fresh snow. When you go out into the winter weather you can smell the fresh snow. The smell of snow is like the smell of rain to me. Snow smells good in the winter. Now you know about the wonderful time of the year and my favorite weather!!

Completed Wanted Posters

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