Friday, January 16, 2009

New York


Dear Sir,

Come to are beautiful New York colony and enjoy the good life.

When you come to New York colony there are many jobs to make money. One of the jobs to make money is to farm. You can farm corn, tobacco, rye, wheat, or vegetables. If you aren’t interested in farming you can be a ship maker, clock maker, printer, barber, or tanner.

The weather in my colony is great but sometimes cold. In the winter it is a temperature of 25 and the lowest temperature is -10 degrees so bring warm cloths for the winter. In the Summer it is often milled and pleasant.

My colony is really easy to find and you will never forget where it is located. My colony is located in fort orange Albany in the Middle Atlantic colony. Its location has mountains plains and rolling hills. There are many other colonies around us like the Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts.

Now I am going to tell you about the dangers. One of the dangers is the Iroquois tribe. The last danger is the water and the food. The water can be poison and the food can be hard to find scarce.

I told you what my New York colony is like. Remember you will find many jobs to make money, bring worm cloths for the winter, and are colony is easy to find.

Your colonial friend


Cole Edward.

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